
So fuck staying home next year.

My room just got changed and I no longer have the shitty roommates that I had before..

Those damn girls I was roomed with were on the same floor as me last year and they were first of all really annoying, and second they were rude. And these the two girls kept messaging me to get out of their room pretty much. They didn’t say that but pretty much..

Here’s one:

Hey Lauren! One of my friends, Sarah, was matched as a roommate by Morgan and I. For some reason the system didn’t recognize the match. The school put Erica in her spot. U are the only girl who has the potential to room with another friend and we really want my friend to room with us next year.

Umm.. okay, so.. I told her like a month earlier that I called housing and they said they weren’t even changing rooms till later in the summer. I can’t fucking change the room myself. Like, what did you expect me to do.. -___-

And I told her friend Morgan that too. . because she messaged me and asked why I was roomed with them because apparently I didn’t want to room with them… which i never said. I said I put in a room change. But whatever, these bitches are dumb. And so she pretty much told me to change rooms too and like.. I had to tell them three damn times that housing wasn’t changing rooms right now.. -_________-

 But I’m switched and my roommates seem so MUCH BETTER. haha.

I’m with one of my friends… which I’m kinda nervous about because she’s kinda… weird and doesn’t really think before she says something… haha. And so hopefully she doesn’t scare off our roommates. xP

But yeah.. we’ll see, we’ll see.

OK and also because maybe I can still get a job at school and because I’m going to have to get a car no matter what when I move to Texas and because I don’t want to live at home anymore.. xD I love love love my parents but too much time with them kinda makes me crazzyyy!

SO, needless to say I am going back to GVSU !!

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