Daily Archives: July 2, 2011

Whipple! ☆

I’ve had this Whipple creation thingy for awhile and finally decided to do them! hehe heart

I made two of the cupcakes in like February, but I made the rest of them last night! And they are so sooo adorable! happy
And they were so much fun to make! heart heart heart


Anyone I showed my creations to made fun of me for wanting to make them….-__- My family thinks I’m immature and stuff haha. Well guess what, I already know I am and I love cute things so shut it. dance


This one is my favorite exclamation It’s so cute!! A little chocolate cake or pie.. cake


And this ring ring that I will never wear but it’s still cute! hehe


Annnnnnd the last one I did was this jewlery box which looks super adorable and it was a lot of fun! But I kinda messed up a lot on the details. Ah well. I love it. heart heart heart heart