Monthly Archives: August 2011

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Back to School 2

My package from Forever 21 came! I was so excited! happy So here’s the things I got for school..
I got some colors that I usually wouldn’t wear… Green and brown and purple. But I kinda just wear black and navy so…sweat Thought I’d try something different.
Anyways I got some real cheap jewelry.. I love the spear necklace.hehe The earrings might be a little big for my ears but they are still cute.rose



some cute scarves! The one of the right is actually purple… looks kinda pinky.


Some oversized shirts..


My favorite thing I got is probably the blue sweater with like aztec stuffs.exclamation It feels well made and its super cute! heart
Oh..I also got these cute black shorts.. Like yoga shorts lol. They’re very comfy, I just forgot to take a picture!sweat

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Back to School!

So despite all the money issues I’ve been having my mom actually took me out school shopping.. So I got some really nice things.. and for cheap too! happy

We went to the mall to JCPenney cause my mom had like five $10 off coupons. So the first thing I got were these tank tops.. (BOWS!! bow) which with all the discounts and $10 off were only $3.. ridiculous, right?question mark


And then I got some jeans.. for only $23! That’s super cheap for two pairs..! up up


Well these are actually from Victoria’s Secret… I got these for free.. they are super bright pink! heheheart


And these are also from JCPenney.. probably the most expensive things… I think maybe $30. Still pretty good for two quality shirts. heartheartheart


And then I got some VANS!! I’ve had my eyes on these forever….and so finally got them and they are so cute and comfy! happy exclamation


Pretty expensive… well like $50..sweat

And the last thing I got was from Target.. It’s this super cute hoodie jacket… It’s so comfy and I love it!! Perfect for fall. heartheart

Not good quality picture but you get it…….so cute. lyk my fan???? ehehee suspicious

I got some things from Forever 21 too.. but they haven’t arrived yet… the website said Tuesday. I hate waiting for things!!arrow arrowsweat

And then I have to order some books for school.. And buy food for school and finish this special package i’m sending for Danny and then errr so many other things too!! grrsweatsweat

I am always so busy even though I feel like I have a lot of time at home.. I’m just always so exhausted from working… I work too much. In fact, I almost fainted today at work.


I was hungry and tired and hot.. It was a bad mix and I was extremely close to fainting.. I couldn’t hear anything and was shaking.. Pretty scary! sad nod And my stupid manager there wouldn’t let me go on break until 6 and this all happened around 5. It was a painful hour, but after I ate and laid in my car for 30 minutes i felt a lot better the rest of the day.zzzz

And people are still asking me about my stupid trip to Houston!!!! I didn’t take it!!grr That’s what I want to say, but I already said I was on vacation so I kinda fucked myself over. I say I don’t want to talk about it, but people are so nosy… swirl erg it’s so annoying. Mind your own business peopleee, geez.swirlswirl

Oh but I got cotton candy at work today happy upup Someone made it for me and I was so happy and it was so good!up

I’m glad someone cares about my feelings..


I have never…

..been so appalled in my entire life. On top of being embarassed and nervous in front of several people … Then my mom decides to go and ruin the rest of my summer vacation.

I can’t go to Texas anymore.. The one thing I was sooooo looking forward to…now ruined. I have work, school shit, a bunch of other crappy things that I won’t say in case people read this cause I don’t want anyone to know lol.

So pretty much I get to sit at home, work and do other shitty things for the rest of the month.

Fuck I want to leave this damn house so bad. I cannot stand living here anymore. I don’t want to go back to school but I would rather do that so so much more than to be here.

I love my parents… but it’s so hard to feel at home when everything you do is wrong in their eyes.

I’m not allowed to do things myself… even though I’m 19, i have to get permission. If I want to hang out with someone I always get questioned. I can’t like who I love.. (probably the worst one) I even have to buy things.. like not just things I want, but like things my parents would be using too. I feel like they are taking advantage of me having a job and honestly, I don’t think it’s fair. I work my ass off and they are taking all my money away. I know I should have to pay for the stuff I have to pay for… but they want me to pay for food?.. toothpaste? Like really… Absolutely ridiculous. And it’s mostly my mom. Actually, all my mom. If I get home from work early.. Instead of greeting me with a ‘Hi’, she asks why I’m home early and then comments how I need the money.

Jesus mom. Money isn’t everything. Or maybe that’s just what I think because clearly all she ever seems to worry about is the money I spend. Plane tickets are too expensive (even though it’s my money), how much did Warped tour cost you? (also mine) Those are the only two events I had planned this summer.. Sorry I don’t want to just work everyday and not spend my money on things I like. I know I need to pay her back, but damn. Give me a fucking break already. She pays for all my sister’s stuff. But she won’t even give me a break in paying back this money. Why is it so important that she gets the money right now? I wish I could give it to her, but I need like 1k more. I can’t get that in a day.

Once all this shit is over, I am not going to rely on her for anything. I’m moving out of this house. I won’t need her to buy me food or toothpaste.. I’ll do that myself. I want to do everything myself. She won’t let me right now.. She always tells me what to do and I’m sick of ittttt.