Monthly Archives: October 2011

Baking! :3

My favorite thing to do ….bake~ happyheart

Well, one of them besides sitting around on my ass! hehe. hehe

I bake a lot especially during the holidays! smile heart I get so in the mood to bake and everything~ upup

Plus it’s a good stress reliever!heart

Sooo I made these adorable Halloween cupcakes..halloween I actually had bought sugar cookie mix at I had to go back and get the cake mix. -__- i don’t want to make the sugar cookies lol.

Of course I don’t do anything from scratch…oven mittsI don’t have time for that lol.clock

My favorite part of baking…the batter~~ spatula

Look how adorable they turned out! Perfect. happy And tasted so good!heart

And I made these cat cookies.. hehe. oven Also made by pillsbury.

But still just as fun to make!


Can I leave yet?

Everything here makes me angry, upset and annoyed.

Everyone, everything.. I just hate it here.

It’s a lot harder being here this year than I thought. I thought maybe that being in a new place with new people would make me feel better.. but… I just feel the same if not worse.

And it’s not their fault.. I just want to be with him.

More than ever now… and I’ve wanted this since I was a sophmore in high school… so it’s been four years and that is a long ass time to wait to be together with someone you love.

Anyways.. I just want out of here. I wish I had told my parents this weekend. I suck.

McDonalds ^.^

I made my friend go to McDonalds with me so I could get this Halloween jacko bucket.sweat

ahaha. I’m such a loser… but I saw it on the commercial and had to have it for some reason…sweat now I don’t know what to do with it! haha

I do love McDonalds though~heartheart

Halloweeeen Nails~

Halloween is my favorite holiday..heartheart so to celebrate it, I did my nails all cute for Halloween~halloween

I got some inspiration from a Japanese magazine..mummy minnie they always have the cutest nails!! >ω< upup

But I did mostly my own designs..and I love how they came out!hehe




Do you seeee this!!? jack o haha. I woke up and his face was all smashed up! Which means I went to sleep with wet nails and I was very disappointed arrowarrow because I worked two hours swirl, but oh well… I guess he’s kinda cute all … slanty faced looking. hehe.hehe

Unfortunately not dressing up this year for halloween..cryy I have to work and other various reasons.arrow So yep.. I’m very sad but next year for sure!! And I want to be……not sure! Something cute but sexy~ wink


So… I was browsing around on ebay ..well actually I was trying to clean out all my saved bookmarks and stuff and well actually didn’t at all and bought these.swirl ahaha hehe

But they were too cute to pass up!exclamation They’re so adorable…heartheart I can’t get over them.happy

The only problem is… I don’t know if i got the right size because I got the 6.5-7, which I usually am suspicious but buying shoes online is still scary, you know?! suspicious

But it said they would be here in like a month wtf!question mark Hopefully that is wrong cause I want them soon~heartheart

Oh and I got the beige ones.. heart but I really wanted the green ones too…cryy i was worried they wouldn’t match anything so I didn’t get them but still want them!sad nod


Well… I have four exams next week and really.. really, I should be studying for those! But… I’ve had 3 this week and I’m very tired. cryy So I’m giving myself a break even though I know I should be studying!  cryysweat

Anyways, so… during my break…One of my favorite things to do is my make up..happy I don’t know why, it’s a lot of fun heart heart But I also did my hair in this cute bun with a braided bow bow that I saw in a Japanese magazine.. so cute..bow happy

Bit of a camera whore sometimes…sweatsweat

why do i like this picture? i don’t know.sweat it’s artsy ahaha.hehe

You can’t even see the braided bow.. arrowarrow oh well. it looked cute though. hehe

And you know.. it’s very nice outside!upupup It’s rainy and windy and cold, but I love it so much! happy So I’ve been in a very good mood today! happy And also, I had an accounting exam this morning that I believe I did very very well on~upupheart

My roommates cat is glaring at me because I’m playing my music too loud… -__- she’s trying to sleep. haha.hehe

I’m listening to Jesse McCartney…suspicious it’s a little strange that I’m listening to him right now…but it came on and so I was like ok lol.hehe


Looking back at my old posts…. I was such a loser sweat

But thats okay..It’s made me who I am today.exclamationheartheartheart
Just find it funny the things I wrote and the pictures i took …cause now I probably wouldn’t say those things or take pictures like that… hehe

I thought I was so cool & cute.. no, sorry lauren you weren’t ahaha.hehe

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Been awhile〜 (T . T)

Judging by the last few posts I guess I’ve been pretty upset lately! sweat And I’m not going to lie.. My feelings haven’t changed much. I’ve been trying really hard though! And I’m a lot better than before. happy

But.. certain circumstances have caused me feeling stressed, tired, and upset. Zzzz Those things mostly happen when I’m at my apartment though. So outside at school and everything, I feel good. I love to go to school now because I don’t like it here. So I guess you could say that’s a good thing! sweat ahaa.

I am very excited for next year and maybe I’m looking too much forward to it because everything here just seems so unappealing.arrowarrow I think about being in Texas with Danny and my entire mood changes. yay heart I feel happy and so excited to be together and just have him to be with always.Yay But then I remember that I’m still here and have nothing exciting to do. The people here do not understand me I feel… It seems to me that when I try to open up about feelings or just even telling someone how I feel about something I get rejected. It’s very frustrating… wtf even though I’ve made more friends this year than I have last year I still feel alone and don’t have anyone to talk to.

And I love my roommates and everything..heart even though my roommate that I’m sharing a room with is mad at me… I still enjoy living with everyone. heartheart

The problem with my one roommate is that I guess I complained too much about the cat she just got… but I really didn’t and she said I was always a bitch and didn’t want to talk to me cause anytime I said anything I annoyed her.

And even though I know I said some things about how her cat was annoying, it wasn’t a lot. Maybe three or four things. And they were legit reasons to be annoyed… but she didn’t care obviously cause she just stopped talking to me after I said that she was wrong. AND I actually honestly think that she complains about the cat more than anyone! exclamation lol.

Oh well. We’re talking again, but now I don’t want to because of what she’s said and it’s a little awkward. arrowarrow

But I do and I pretend to enjoy hearing what she says.

It’s awful though. She was my best friend and she thinks I’m a bitch and that we aren’t compatable roommates..angry

I like to study and do homework.. that’s why i’m at school afterall… and she said that’s why we aren’t compatable, that’s strange.. I don’t see how that makes people incompatable. Ya know?

And it also was sad that she said all these things because I never once thought anything was wrong.. but apparenlty to her she just hated/hates living with me. arrowarrowarrow

I told her she could move out if she wanted. Which I kinda assumed she wanted to in the first place cause ever since we first moved in she complained about our other roommates and said how she would rather live with these other two girls she knows.

So I guess we’ll see what happens once second semester comes around.swirl

Luckily for me this semester is going by quite fast! exclamation Which is also bad because I’m stressed out with so much homework! So in ways I wish I had more time, but … also not because I want to get the fuck outta this state. ahah.

Hmm… so other than some roommate drama and homework, there’s not much else going on in my life. What a pathetic life. haha. Oh well, I really don’t mind. I enjoy being alone and studying. Such a weird person. kitty

I like hanging out with people……but not as much as I’d rather just sit at home hahah. haha

Friends are too much work, ne? kitty