Monthly Archives: January 2012

Summer jewelry ~ :3

I was so excited when I went on Forever 21 and saw so many cute earrings.. I bought a bunch.happy

At this point, I don’t even care anymore… suspicious I can’t save for shit so I’m just going to buy a few more things and be done for the summer (for now) sweat

Soo some chandelier type earrings, some pretty ge earrings and these long spike earrings…. I died when I saw them. They were $11…. but so perfect but so heavy!exclamation I knew that when I bought them but yeah, they really drag down my ears haha sweat


I just liked the design and color of these ones.. happy


And then a pair of black sparkly type things… little bows bow so cute~ and  anchor earrings. Been dying for a pair of these for so long! And they were only like $2!upup


And I also bought two necklaces… I loveheart cameos and this one was so pretty and I love it happy And the other one is a long necklace with a pretty turqoise stone~ happy


So far I’ve worn a few pairs and always get compliments on them. up They are all so beautiful.heart


So far this semester is awful.swirl

It just started on Monday and I’m already hating it. arrowarrowarrowI have 16 credits.. I’m not taking very hard classes but I am doing very demanding courses..suspicious And to top that off I got sick on Wednesday and was throwing uparrow so I missed three classes.. I hate missing classes. HATE. I feel like I missed so much. And so for this weekend, I have a whole presentation to do for my finance class.. I’m presenting with my partner on Monday. Also a few Japanese worksheets, and I have to study the kanji that we learned and I don’t know it at all.. also read a few chapters for multiple classes, and also write a Japanese essay by Thursday. fml. -___- arrowarrowarrow

And to make life even better, we got a new roommate. I was sooo hoping I could move into my own room, but nope this girl decides to move in.grrrrr I don’t even want to talk to her cause I’m sorta anti-social and mad cause she took my room and cause I just don’t wanna deal with another roommate..grrrrr I don’t trust people -__- She hasn’t really talked to either of us. She hasn’t been here much so I guess that’s good.. but why’d she have to take my room.. ? -_-

And I’m on hold for 51 minutes.. seriously.. Oh and I guess I should just put in that on top of all the shit i have to do for school, i have to apply to another college. huegaljfugoaejfhehlf. grrrrr

Guess I should have just done that over break though.. but it’s break and I didn’t want to do anything! But now it’s harder for me.. Wish I had someone to help meeee… >:|

Mall trip!

Well I decided that… I wanted to go shopping. Plain and simple. suspicious And to my surprise there were a lot of good sales going on! upup I went to a mall that has pretty much every store that I could ever want. . but I didn’t buy everything I wanted to because I decided I would save a bit.. haha

I went to Sephora and got this Body Shop christmas set thing….It was only $18.. I wanted to go back to get another one but I didn’t.. I’m so regretting it. Such a good deal cryy

If I have time tomorrow I am going to get it! They had a coconut one and I want it ahwkljf



And then one of the best stores ever is Lush. heart heart They have natural products that are expensive.. But so worth it! (Well not all but the ones I got are worth it).

I got an exfoliator. I can’t wait to try it. This little size was $10. suspicious


I also got another bath bomb… This was called Twilight. It smells sooo good! happy I haven’t even used the last one I got but I decided that I could save them up or possibly use one if we clean up the bath tub at the apartment.. sweat

It has little stars and a moon on


And I got this thing called a massage bar and it smells kinda lemon-y or something.. just really good marie happy It melts over your body when you rub it in.heart


And I got this other massage bar. It smells heavily of honey..pooh heart But once it’s on my skin it smells less like honey and just really good.heartheart


And I got a lip scrub that you just eat off when you’re done using it….I love it happy


And then I got a bracelet by Betsy Johnson that was on sale and cost only $18 compared to the $35 price tag happy


Looks cute, huh? happy upup



I really can’t help spending money. cryy

What’s wrong with me?arrowarrow

Shopaholic. Luckily I’m not too bad.. but especially around the holiday season, I just want to buy everything.sweat

So I did buy two things for myself..hehe I’ve wanted them for awhile and I had $10 off on each..


I got the Bombshell perfume..heart I have the body spray and it smells sooo good!heartheart It’s my favorite summer scent so I bought the perfume cause it lasts longer. It was expensive though xx; arrowarrow

Like $60 even with the $10 off..arrowarrowarrow

But it smells so good, I’ll just have to save it till


And I got this body splash which was only $8, cause paying $18 for it is ridiculousexclamation

It is very warm and cozy and reminds me of winter! snowman So I wanted it.

I love smelling good~~

I probably will buy more stuff before I go back to school cause I suck, and there’s a lot of good sales going on.what ugh

I need to get a job at school..or a better job at least!suspicious TB just ain’t cutting it.

Plus people are getting annoying. suspicious And some white trashy type girls work there now. yikez. sweat


Lately I’ve been really into getting things for my apartment.happy Not really the one I’m in now but one with danny happyheartheart I want that apartment to be super cute and nicely decorated and good smelling ( I buy a lot of candles!hehe).heartheart
Also I love decorating for holidays so I got some cute halloweenmickey pumpkin and gingerbread man ginger towels and pot holder.oven mitts I especially love being in the kitchen and I want the kitchen to be the cutest. Which is why everything here is relating to kitchen thingsspatula (just noticedsweat)


And these cute plates I got at target.heart They were really cheap so I picked up two.happy I can’t wait to use then on Valentines Day!!happyheart ( probably next yearheart)

And then I got these cute mixing bowls cause the one I have now is too small and not very cute! Hehe.hehe

I want to decorate the whole apartment but I definitely want to do that with Danny. happy I wouldn’t want to make it too cute for him. But I feel like the kitchen is my space so I get to design it. heartDanny won’t mind, I’m sure!hehe

Oh and I also got these cute picture hanging wall decoration things.. x_X; They are super cool and hanging up at my apartment. I love them.happy

I can’t wait to live in an apartment with him heartheartheart

❄Christmas Break❄

Christmas came quick this year! And I can’t believe it’s 2012 already.. I need to get my shit together!! sweat I should do my resolutions… A little late, but whatever! sweat

Anyways, my Christmas break was amazing because I got to see Danny..heartheart

(This guy)

His most attractive face winkie heart (And mine~~~hehe)

I had so much fun!heart We did pretty much nothing because we were at my apartment at school and I have no car and there’s nothing to do around my campus without a car so…. yeah cool. suspicious But we really didn’t need it, we mostly layed in bed and watched TV or movies.. ate food, sexy things wink, and we went downtown once to get some Asian food which was realllly good.fork

It was a short stay but I loved every minute with him and wish I could go back to being with him.heartheartheart

But soon I will be with him! My horoscope says so… it says that although I have many dreams and wishes, there is one special wish and that it will come true if I put all my faith and hope and love into it.heart

Which I will, I’ll put everything I have into it!!upup I want to be with Danny no matter what and I will do anything to have that.happyheartheart

So after Danny left (which I was (and still am) really sad about.. ;___;), I came home to my family. Which was nice I missed them all so much happy and Char was fully recovered from his attack with the coyotes and he was so happy to see me! happy More so than everyone else haha. My mom doesn’t really like mine and Danny’s relationship..suspicious Idk why cause he’s the most amazing person on the planet earth. suspicious Anyways, so Christmassssss~ tree

I got some stuff.. Not a whole lot but you know we’re all on a budget (except me cause I spend money like crazy -__-)sweat But I was really grateful for everything my family got me!heartheart


I got this shirt for only $10.. I picked it out. It’s so cute and summery and I’m wearing it today happy even though it’s freezing cold..grr


Also got this aztec-y type hoodie which also reminded me of summer nights happy And a striped long sleeve and a cute ruffled tank top!


And I got a Vera Bradley purse in Poppy. I’ve wanted this style for a long time! And I got it on sale so it was pretty reasonable happyup And I got the matching lanyard and coin purse type thingy.



Also got the Britney Spears fantasy perfume, it’s really strong and fruity. But it smells really good when it’s settled in my skin happy


And my brother got me this Be Enchanted body spray from B&BW. It smells soooo good! happy (I’m pretty sure he had his wife help him out but that’s okay~sweat) He got me for his secret santa and when he first gave me my gift on christmas eve, it was sorta like a joke gift cause it was just a bunch of like useless funny things, ya know. SO he felt bad and got me another present..sweat I feel bad too though cause I wasn’t really nice about it when I opened it cause I was disappointed cause everyone got really cool stuff..sweat So I should have been a better sport! I still said thank you and smiled but I still feel bad..Oh and he also got me a candle that smells soo good.. It’s called Pink Sangria. It’s soooooooooooooo good! exclamationheart

I’m very grateful for my family and friends and Danny and my dog and everything I got this Christmas~