Monthly Archives: March 2012


I got an e-mail yesterday stating that I got into Texas State happyupup

I wasn’t too nervous about getting in because me GPA is good… but I still always had that ‘what if’ thing going on. lol.

Anyways… I’m not sure what exactly to do now.. I’m wondering if I should call and be like, did any of my credits transfer or…? Thats one thing I need to do.. and financial aid.. oh and convincing my parents that it’s best for me. (hardest part)sweat

At first when I was deciding to transfer, I was concerned heavily about whether or not they’d let me go. Now, I know that I’m going to go regardless of what they say. I think it’s unfair for them to decide for me where I go in life. Obviously cost is a major concern for my parents, but since I already looked into it and figured on my own that it wasn’t too much more than what I’m spending now..Not to mention I’ll be paying for the majority anywayss..

My whole family will be mad at me for leaving, and all I hear from them is that I’ll never come back .. arrow In ways, it makes me really upset to hear my family say that I pretty much don’t care about them..arrowarrow but also it just makes me want to prove them wrong because I know what I want to do and I would never not visit my family again. wtf family. grrrrrI don’t understand why they have to say shit like that. Damn grrrrr


So I’m really excitedheart and can’t wait for this semester to be over!! (one more month!up) I don’t think I’ve been so happy thinking of something like this happy Danny also said that he hasn’t seen my so happy in awhile.. haha happysweat

Btw.. parents said nothing yet.. >_> Maybe they just didn’t get the acceptance letter or something…

Protected: Sigh~one of those days..

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Aysuiadhwefs ♥

So, I was on youtube and I was watching a video…. and omg they showed this backpack and I nearly died.. I just had to have it.heartheartheart

Pretty much I went straight to Target after watching it to buy it!haha

I am in love..heart I’ve wanted a floral backpack for so long.. sad nod I saw this perfect one on yesstyle.. but with shipping it was nearly $80..dead This one was only $30!

I mean, I guess I don’t need it… but it was so beautiful sad nod heart

And also, I am kinda tired of my backpack right now. I definitely know that it is more durable than this one so I was thinking that I could use both.. happy This one for the classes where I don’t need heavy text books everyday and then my other one going to the library and stuff. happy

I’m going to save it for next year though! happy

And it will be perfect for flying too happy

Because I was also considering getting a Vera Bradley backpack but those are like $70 or something..dead so this is just perfect! heart


I’m so excited to use it~

Aw ~

It’s nice coming home and seeing these adorable pictures on my shelf!heartheart They were taken so long ago and we both look so young .. It’s so cute and I got a bit teary and smiling so much happy

I want to take more like these with him.heartheartheart


How funny we look in the third picture.. happy well all of them, but we just look so funny happy But I love them so much!

I can’t wait to see you again, baby. I love youheart

I freaking love you…hahaha.hahaheart

I got a package~

From Urban Outfitters..heart But one of my shirts is on backorder till february 25…oh wait.. it’s march 1 now, where’s my shirt? -__-

Oh well.suspicious

So.. Look at how cute this is!happy

I was 4 cents away from free shipping (seriously…suspicious) And so this was only $2 so I just got it and I love Hello Kitty!hello kitty And I got the cutest one!up (since it was random and there were 8 different collectables.)

A hippie! It’s so cute happy I’m so happy..happy

I also got this shirt…sweat And this coyote shirt is HUGE… I thought one size would be like a medium, but it’s HUGE.sweat

haha. I’m going to try to cut some of it off cause it’s so long and HUGE!exclamation

I has it on.. can’t see how long it is but there’s the coyoteee.hehe

And a secret gift for Danny..exclamation doubt he would see it if I posted it on here but to be safe, I won’t!suspicious