Easter Eggs!

Today I’m going to make some Easter eggs with my roommate.happy

I’m not going home for Easter this weekend so I figured I would do something fun to celebrate a little bit happy I’ll post pics later~

I love decorating eggs! It’s one of my favorite things to do and then eat them after happyup I didn’t get to make eggs last year either and I was very sad.. cryy

Anyways, so that’s pretty much my only plans for today.. might do some homework..poo which i really do need to do.. sleep some more.haha

Oh and better news on the Texas State stuff.. My mom called and well honestly wasn’t happy for me at all and never said congrats or really anything good..sad nod lol. But it didn’t really affect me in any way. I called the school to see about my credits and about the business school and everything’s looking very promising as of right now happyheart I’ve just been waiting 100 years for my taxes to be done because I still need to finish this thing for FAFSA -__- so frustrating!! Taxes are due in like a week… soo… i’m getting nervous..suspicious

But yeah, that’s my excitement for this weekend.heart

2 weeks of school left~happy (and exam week!)

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