Daily Archives: April 16, 2012

Baby Shower!

On Sunday, I went to my sister-in-law’s baby shower! happy

But before thatt.. I went shopping for baby stuff on Friday after driving home from school.. and then went to make cookies for the baby shower on Saturday and then went to work Saturday night!swirl It was a very busy weekend and I was moving nonstop the whole time. But sometimes I don’t mind being busy!happy

So on that Saturday where we were making cookies, Julie’s sister-in-law took some pictures (that I borrowedsweat). It was a lot of fun decorating! up Everyone was so impressed with my decorations..sweat but I really didn’t think mine were much better than anyone elses.. haha.sweat But they invited me back to decorate Christmas cookies next year, which I thought was funny.hehe


Decorating the cookies!sparkles


And here are some of the finished ones.. they are so cute! happy I made this one that I really liked, it was a carriage.. but it wasn’t made yet.sweat


And then at the actual shower, we took a picture together. happy
I really loved the dress I was wearing but it’s hard to wear cause the back is open and.. my bra would show and I hate that look! suspicious But I just wore a sweater. Is it just me or does my arm look awk? ..haha haha idk.

Anyways, it was a fun weekend! And I was not excited to get back to school!cryy