Category Archives: Holiday

New Years

The first half of this year sucked.. reallllly bad! I have almost forgot how awful the year was before August! But after that my year was amazing.. better than anything I’ve ever hoped for. Spending the semester with Danny in Texas was a dream I had dreamt about since I was in like 9th grade. I couldn’t have asked for a better way to spend my life.

I’ve come to realize that unless you do something with your life, it’s not going to get better. I dwelled so much on the fact that I was upset about stuff last year that I never did anything to make my life better. When I finally took the step in changing my life and making it better is when I realized that I had been being so stupid! I was so upset that I wasn’t in TX that I didn’t want to do anything to improve my life in MI! It was stupid of me to be so immature.. but I finally got my wish! And I’m so extremely happy that I’m there and my life feels like it improved tenfold! I just wish I hadn’t wasted my life up until now.. but oh well! From here I can only go forward in my life and make improvements for myself.

This summer I made a list on what I wanted to do.. and a lot of them I did actually accomplish, but a lot I did not do. And that’s something I want to change! I had made that list just for the summer, but it moreover is what I wanted throughout the year.. it’s just easier to do things during the summer since there is no school! But even now, with school, I want to do more than I have been. I tend to take it easy during the school year so I’m not too busy and have enough time for studying! But I’ve realized the past couple of years that I don’t need all the time I spend doing nothing aka sitting on the computer.. and I barely spend any time on homework anyways haha. Soooo my major change for this year is to get out more. Doesn’t have to be outside, but I just want to do more constantly busy and having fun. I want to do so many things!!!

Here’s my list from the summer: (I’m going to add on!)

one Study Japanese [I will continue in the summer because it’s too much with other work]

two Buy new Japanese textbooks (to further study) [summer]

three Finish reading The Sword of Truth series (Maybe Harry Potter too)[oops]

four Finish finiancial aid✓[yay!]

five Get hair dip dyed [this summer for sure!]

six Buy a pair of red shoes (bought an even better pair!)✓[still kind of want a red pair lol]

seven Beat Jet Set Radio [nope!]

eight Make a ton of friendship bracelets✓[hehe yess]

nine Go to the amusement park [If I win a race with Danny then he will take me to Six Flags hehe]

onezero Find a new job [I tried soo hard! I will find one this semester! otherwise I’ll be poor af]

oneone Paint those shells [ I did some!]

onetwo Save up a ton of money!(trying!)✓[failed]

onethree Hang up curtain holders[nope]

onefour Paint my mirror white[yes!]

onefive Go to Warped Tour(fun, but too hot!!)✓[not going again!]

onesix Change belly button ring[ahhh why haven’t i yet!? haha]

oneseven Get a tattoo(maybe next year : ) [ i sure do want one!]

oneeight Watch Once Upon A Time and Grimm[nope]

onenine Finish Germany scrapbook (from 8th grade! Long past overdue) [finally finished!!]

twozero Do some things that cannot be said in this blog! [yes yes and yes!]

twoone Brazillian wax (loll) and  legs and such too [i have not!]

twotwo Go to Texas State(Going!! ^^ )✓ [yay! best change of my life!]

twothree Get my ears double pierced [ I WILL get this soon]

twofour Have fun? (Maybe…) (Having a much better summer than last! )✓ [more fun than ever]

twofive Go on adventures!

twosix Exercise more (not just running.. swimming, yoga, walks) just anything!

twoseven Make a lot of DIYs!

twoeight Do not spend any money on clothes or very little!!

twonine Eat healthy.. no more eating out everyday..

threezero Do more updates on my blog or write down memories and such

threeone Take more pictures!

Some hopes&dreams:

one Go to California [nope!]

two Or a roadtrip to no where (or to California) [I hope Danny and I can do something like this!]

So I am pretty confident that I can accomplish these and especially the ones I added on!

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone’s hopes & dreams come true!

It’s beginning… feel a lot like Christmas~

After Halloween all I can think about is Christmas.. like skip Thanksgiving, it’s all about Christmas!!

I’ve been getting into the spirit by listening to my favorite Christmas radio station back home! I love being able to listen online.. I personally like my hometown radio station better than the Pandora one.

And I also got some candles!

And I also bought a mini Christmas tree from Walmart and I loooove it!! It’s soo cute omg omg. I’ve never had my own little Christmas tree even though I’ve wanted one lol. Back home I usually don’t do much Christmas decorating for my room since it’s all around my house.. but here I only have my room so I have to get into the spirit!

I decorated it all cute with $1 ornaments, $1 tinsel, and $1,50 bow! Eee I’m obsessed with it!! It makes me so happy to look at.

I also put up some lights along my bedroom walls.. I’m keeping them up all year!

I cannot wait to go home for Christmas!! I definitely need a break from school and I miss my family so much! I just want to spend a bunch of time with the familyyy. And Char!! I miss him so much.

And it will be nice to have snow for a month hehe.

And I love wrapping presents and making ornaments and decorating the tree (unless it’s already up) and buying gifts and going to look at the lights and going to Christmas church service and eating Christmas dinner. lol.

So anyways, I am so excited!!!!!!!

Danny doesn’t understand my excitement!! How can someone not be so excited for Christmas??? haha. I guess it’s different for me since I’m going to be going home like… idk.. maybe not. I think maybe I’m just crazy! I love Christmas time!


Party time~!

I wasn’t sure what I wanted to be for Halloween this year.. And I didn’t want it to be expensive since I’m on a budget! So I went on ebay and found this pirate outfit for $15. Lol.

I actually had this same costume in high school… haha. But I altered it to make it more attractive (;

We were both pirates and it was pretty cute. lol.

It was a fun night, except it was freezing cold… come on Texas, get you shit together!


Danny and I waited pretty much last minute to carve pumpkins!

He hadn’t carved pumpkins since he was like 7!! wtf.

I decided to make a bat pumpkin..

Danny made a Ron Swanson pumpkin ahaha.

We both have been watching Parks and Rec a ton. It’s sooo funny, one of my new favorite shows!

We watched The Walking Dead while we were carving pumpkins..another one of my favorite shows! But we didn’t buy pumpkin carving tools so it was pretty hard cause the knives I have are sooooo terrible and can’t cut through chicken let alone pumpkins! So that was a task haha

It was a fun night ^^


Been getting really into my Halloween decorations and such lately.. My mom sent me a little pumpkin and a bunch of paints because she knows that I like to paint my pumpkins ^^ She knows me so well~~ It made me miss her even more!

So I painted a sugarskull and on the back I want to paint like a leafy spiderweb design thing. idk haha. I love how it turned out though!

I’m so coooool.

And then she sent me some Halloween lights and this little Welcome sign with like bats and stuff.. So cute!

I also bought this little owl lantern from Target and it was like a dollar or 2!!

So excited for Halloween!!


Today was Mother’s Day!heart And to celebrate my mother for all she does, I made her an adorable gift and an adorable card and bought her this adorable blue tumbler since she’s always driving around and our one car doesn’t have air conditioning so I figured an ice cold drink throughout the day would be perfect.hehe

So, I made these candles… Cause I saw them on Martha Stewart.. ahaha.. sweat And I have three big bags of shells just laying around that me and my mom have collected from Florida over the year. So I thought it was perfect cause it’s something we found together made into a gift so it’s a little bit more special. happyheart

And then I made dinner! I made these H.A.T sammiches. It had ham, asparagus, tomato, spinach and cheese! It was sooo good!heart Very filling too~ happy

Then I made potato salad, but I didn’t cook the potatoes all the way through so they were a little hard. sweat

And last I made these spinach chips and used a bunch of spices and I think I might have made them too spicy actually sweat but my mom and dad both loved them…they loved everything actually! So I was happy about that.


And for dessert, I went out and bought Coldstone ice cream cookie sandwiches. ice cream I had the cake batter one with sprinkles. Oh myyy.. It was so delicious!hehe But it was really big and I was getting sick by the end of it sweat


So the day was good!exclamation My mom was happy, so I was happy too!happy Even though I feel like my mom has been unfair about the whole Texas State thing, she has done a lot for me so I needed to pay her back with what I can. So thank you mom, for all you’ve done for me my whole life and please keep supporting me with everything I do in life.heart

I love you!heartheart


So we got done making the eggs happy They turned out very pretty! And I don’t want to eat them..sweat but I love egg salad sandwiches so I must!hehe


Dying the eggs.. My hand always gets tired..sweat


And these are the three I made. heart We each made 3 and that was enough for us! hehehehe


This one cracked and it looked so much like a dinosaur egg..dinoheart it’s so cute! Littlefoot is inside I bet.hehe


And these are all of our eggs..heart It was so fun speckling them!happy But it was a hard process cause you had to use this glue and rub it on and then if it wasn’t sticky enough the speckly stuffs wouldn’t stay on..suspicious but we eventually got the hang of it!up

It was a lot of fun happy

Easter Eggs!

Today I’m going to make some Easter eggs with my roommate.happy

I’m not going home for Easter this weekend so I figured I would do something fun to celebrate a little bit happy I’ll post pics later~

I love decorating eggs! It’s one of my favorite things to do and then eat them after happyup I didn’t get to make eggs last year either and I was very sad.. cryy

Anyways, so that’s pretty much my only plans for today.. might do some homework..poo which i really do need to do.. sleep some more.haha

Oh and better news on the Texas State stuff.. My mom called and well honestly wasn’t happy for me at all and never said congrats or really anything good..sad nod lol. But it didn’t really affect me in any way. I called the school to see about my credits and about the business school and everything’s looking very promising as of right now happyheart I’ve just been waiting 100 years for my taxes to be done because I still need to finish this thing for FAFSA -__- so frustrating!! Taxes are due in like a week… soo… i’m getting nervous..suspicious

But yeah, that’s my excitement for this weekend.heart

2 weeks of school left~happy (and exam week!)

Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!! heartheart A day late~~..sweat

I spent a lot of my Valentine’s day with Danny…heart and even though we weren’t together it was a lot of fun and I loved being with him.happyheart

It was a Tuesday, so I went to class like usual and it was kinda meh. But after my classes, Danny surprised me with flowers!flower They arrived at my door while we were on Skype and it was so exciting!heartheart I couldn’t believe he sent me flowers this year! I told him the budget was $15 !! -.-


But regardless, I was very happy.happy It was very sweet of him and he got a beautiful bouquet for me!heart I think I like it better than all roses, actually. It’s so pretty. happyI love smelling it because it smells so delicious! I love the smell of flowers. heartheart

So I went a bit crazy taking pictures but they were so beautiful and I couldn’t stop! hehe.heart






Came with cute balloons~


That big pink flower is so beautiful! happy

And we skyped for three hours. I just love seeing his face.. happyespecially when he read my card that I sent him. happyHe was so happy and I wanted to cry too but I was too happy and I didn’t have any happy tears to shed. hearthehe.heart But it made me happy to make him happy and I’m sure he felt the same.heartheartheart

I still have a gift to send him but stupid things happened suspicious and so I’m still waiting for his gift to come in the mail!!

Soon, though. I know he’ll love it.upuphappy


I really can’t help spending money. cryy

What’s wrong with me?arrowarrow

Shopaholic. Luckily I’m not too bad.. but especially around the holiday season, I just want to buy everything.sweat

So I did buy two things for myself..hehe I’ve wanted them for awhile and I had $10 off on each..


I got the Bombshell perfume..heart I have the body spray and it smells sooo good!heartheart It’s my favorite summer scent so I bought the perfume cause it lasts longer. It was expensive though xx; arrowarrow

Like $60 even with the $10 off..arrowarrowarrow

But it smells so good, I’ll just have to save it till


And I got this body splash which was only $8, cause paying $18 for it is ridiculousexclamation

It is very warm and cozy and reminds me of winter! snowman So I wanted it.

I love smelling good~~

I probably will buy more stuff before I go back to school cause I suck, and there’s a lot of good sales going on.what ugh

I need to get a job at school..or a better job at least!suspicious TB just ain’t cutting it.

Plus people are getting annoying. suspicious And some white trashy type girls work there now. yikez. sweat