Category Archives: Just Me

It’s beginning… feel a lot like Christmas~

After Halloween all I can think about is Christmas.. like skip Thanksgiving, it’s all about Christmas!!

I’ve been getting into the spirit by listening to my favorite Christmas radio station back home! I love being able to listen online.. I personally like my hometown radio station better than the Pandora one.

And I also got some candles!

And I also bought a mini Christmas tree from Walmart and I loooove it!! It’s soo cute omg omg. I’ve never had my own little Christmas tree even though I’ve wanted one lol. Back home I usually don’t do much Christmas decorating for my room since it’s all around my house.. but here I only have my room so I have to get into the spirit!

I decorated it all cute with $1 ornaments, $1 tinsel, and $1,50 bow! Eee I’m obsessed with it!! It makes me so happy to look at.

I also put up some lights along my bedroom walls.. I’m keeping them up all year!

I cannot wait to go home for Christmas!! I definitely need a break from school and I miss my family so much! I just want to spend a bunch of time with the familyyy. And Char!! I miss him so much.

And it will be nice to have snow for a month hehe.

And I love wrapping presents and making ornaments and decorating the tree (unless it’s already up) and buying gifts and going to look at the lights and going to Christmas church service and eating Christmas dinner. lol.

So anyways, I am so excited!!!!!!!

Danny doesn’t understand my excitement!! How can someone not be so excited for Christmas??? haha. I guess it’s different for me since I’m going to be going home like… idk.. maybe not. I think maybe I’m just crazy! I love Christmas time!



We went to one of Danny’s friends house for dinner and I thought I would wear something cute cause I just bought it from Target.
So orangee. hehe.

So I wore this red maxi skirt and a cream colored crop top and it was super cute together!! I think it would be a cute Thanksgiving outfit too.. except I’m not going home for Thanksgiving and it will be really depressing… ; -; Maybe it’s a good Christmas outfit too? lol

Anyways so we just ate burgers and chips at the dinner and watched football… booorrinnggggg. If it was anything else but football I would have had a good time lol

Sex Bomb-!

I had a ton of exams this week…it was super stressful! I think I did pretty good on them though! I studied hard~

All I wanted to do when I finished my last exam was to lie down in a nice warm tub and watch Kiki’s Delivery Service!

I chose to use my sex bomb bathbomb from Lush! It seems so unbelievably good! I could smell it on my skin after I got out and it last to the next day!

It was a very nice bath. Though I wish I had one of those pillow things cause the towel was just not doing it for me!

Siked! ☆

About a week ago, I finally got the answer I’ve been waiting for… the go ahead for Texas.

Unfortunately it wasn’t how I wanted it. My mom was pissed at me and everyone in my family keeps saying that I shouldn’t go cause they’ll miss me.

Well, shit guys. I’ll miss my family tons! But I will never go anywhere in life if I didn’t go and do my own thing… Personally I think this is the best option for me. I feel that I will be much happier. All I want after all this shit that’s happened in my hometown.. I want a change, I want to start somewhere new and meet new people who don’t know other stuff about me.

I’m so excited for this experience.

Maybe it’s not the best school in the world, so what? I wasn’t going to the best school before anyways!

And I looked up rankings and such and it’s about the same as the school I went to.

I’m just saying.. I really needed this change in my life! I was not happy with where I was at and I see a lot of good opportunities for me in Texas. I really cannot wait and I know no one else is excited (besides Danny) but they will realize that it’s the best thing for me.

I leave August 6.. but school doesn’t start till around the 26th? I think. So I’ll be in Houston for a week and then I can move in to my apartment on like the 18th. I’m soooo excited!! And the apartment I’m living in is sweet. It comes furnished, but like it’s not that amazing furniture but still.. and i know how i am going to decorate it! And they have a swimming pool!! omg. Nothing here ever has swimming pools cause like its too cold all the time. So that’s awesome.. and they have a fitness room and washers and dryers in every room and I’m just so siked about it! I’ll probably spend nights at Danny’s apartment too.. but I am really happy to have my own place to sleep at night and stuff. I do like to have my alone time. haha.

Anyways, I will update once I get there! I cannot believe it! Sooo excited. It doesn’t even feel real yet.



Today at midnight, Justin Bieber’s new album came out and when I got home at 12:30, I bought that shit.happy

I had 4 songs already and was liking them for the most part so I figured I should just buy the album..happy Plus I loved his other albums.. and the same goes for this one.heart

Some of the songs are kinda weird.. cause he sounds so seductive O.o and I’m just like where did my lil baby Justin go?? haha. He’s definitely growing up.suspicious

But let’s see…

My favorites so far are…music As Long as You Love Me, One Love, Thought of You, Catching Feelings, Die In Your Arms, and Take You Out..heartheart

But listen, I like all the songs pretty much.hehe

Catching Feelings kinda sounds like a christmas song though lets be real.hehe But I also love Christmas so I don’t mind it haha.

I am not falling back into my JB obsession, but I am kinda fangirling over this album. I just always love his music. It’s so catchy and fun . .exclamation But it will not come back!! -__-

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Lately I’ve been having dreams about my past best friends.. It’s not unusual for me to have them but lately it’s been more often.

Last night I had the weirdest one I think… Because my old best friend wasn’t even in it. But it goes like this:

I don’t know why I’m here, but I’m in this village in the forest, and all these small houses are really close together and there’s lots of fences.. It’s kinda dark and dreary out so I’m running as fast as I can to get out of there.. When finally I see this field, and this field I remember to be close to my old best friend’s backyard. So I’m so excited to get out. I run through the field and end up at her house.. And when I enter, I see her mom and her younger sister who’s with two friends. As I’m running past the house I say ‘I’m sorry’. But then I’m stopped by her younger sister who in my dream is still the same age as when I last saw her.. (Now she’s probably a junior in high school, back then was like 5th or 6th grade) And she stops me and says hi and that she’s with her friends. And they’re like showing me their outfits cause they were playing dressup. lol And I’m like you’re very prettyyy. Okay but then they are asking me why Alex likes me so much (she use to always say how she liked me more than her sister lol) And I said probably because I’ve know her for so long. And then I about to head out the door and her dog comes after me.. but then is called back inside and then a puppy comes after me and this time I have to bring it inside myself.. And then I walk down the street back to my house and I’m thinking, ‘I should see her again soon’.

So strange… Wonder if it means anything?

Also having dreams about me and my newer old best friend getting to be friends again several times a month. I mean I guess it might be because I have some guilt for just leaving her.. also because I did have a lot of fun hanging out with her. And we shared everything. But then I remember how we weren’t very compatable.. and she kinda took advantage of my kindness towards her and how it always had to be her way or else she’d be a sourpuss the whole day lol. It felt like I was always giving more than she did in our friendship. But still, I sometimes think that I want to rekindle that relationship.. but that will depend on other things too.

Just wish someone could tell me what these dreams mean, if anything!


My goals for this summer!

one Study Japanese

two Buy new Japanese textbooks (to further study)

three Finish reading The Sword of Truth series (Maybe Harry Potter too)

four Finish finiancial aid✓

five Get hair dip dyed

six Buy a pair of red shoes (bought an even better pair!)✓

seven Beat Jet Set Radio

eight Make a ton of friendship bracelets✓

nine Go to the amusement park

onezero Find a new job

oneone Paint those shells

onetwo Save up a ton of money!(trying!)✓

onethree Hang up curtain holders

onefour Paint my mirror white

onefive Go to Warped Tour(fun, but too hot!!)✓

onesix Change belly button ring

oneseven Get a tattoo(maybe next year : )

oneeight Watch Once Upon A Time and Grimm

onenine Finish Germany scrapbook (from 8th grade! Long past overdue)

twozero Do some things that cannot be said in this blog!

twoone Brazillian wax (loll) and  legs and such too

twotwo Go to Texas State(Going!! ^^ )✓

twothree Get my ears double pierced

twofour Have fun? (Maybe…) (Having a much better summer than last! )✓

Some hopes&dreams:

one Go to California

two Or a roadtrip to no where (or to California)

These may seem dumb but to me they’re mostly pretty important! I have my reasons!! Lol. I will update if I choose anymore goals.

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