Category Archives: My Loves

Aw ~

It’s nice coming home and seeing these adorable pictures on my shelf!heartheart They were taken so long ago and we both look so young .. It’s so cute and I got a bit teary and smiling so much happy

I want to take more like these with him.heartheartheart


How funny we look in the third picture.. happy well all of them, but we just look so funny happy But I love them so much!

I can’t wait to see you again, baby. I love youheart

I freaking love you…hahaha.hahaheart

Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!! heartheart A day late~~..sweat

I spent a lot of my Valentine’s day with Danny…heart and even though we weren’t together it was a lot of fun and I loved being with him.happyheart

It was a Tuesday, so I went to class like usual and it was kinda meh. But after my classes, Danny surprised me with flowers!flower They arrived at my door while we were on Skype and it was so exciting!heartheart I couldn’t believe he sent me flowers this year! I told him the budget was $15 !! -.-


But regardless, I was very happy.happy It was very sweet of him and he got a beautiful bouquet for me!heart I think I like it better than all roses, actually. It’s so pretty. happyI love smelling it because it smells so delicious! I love the smell of flowers. heartheart

So I went a bit crazy taking pictures but they were so beautiful and I couldn’t stop! hehe.heart






Came with cute balloons~


That big pink flower is so beautiful! happy

And we skyped for three hours. I just love seeing his face.. happyespecially when he read my card that I sent him. happyHe was so happy and I wanted to cry too but I was too happy and I didn’t have any happy tears to shed. hearthehe.heart But it made me happy to make him happy and I’m sure he felt the same.heartheartheart

I still have a gift to send him but stupid things happened suspicious and so I’m still waiting for his gift to come in the mail!!

Soon, though. I know he’ll love it.upuphappy

❄Christmas Break❄

Christmas came quick this year! And I can’t believe it’s 2012 already.. I need to get my shit together!! sweat I should do my resolutions… A little late, but whatever! sweat

Anyways, my Christmas break was amazing because I got to see Danny..heartheart

(This guy)

His most attractive face winkie heart (And mine~~~hehe)

I had so much fun!heart We did pretty much nothing because we were at my apartment at school and I have no car and there’s nothing to do around my campus without a car so…. yeah cool. suspicious But we really didn’t need it, we mostly layed in bed and watched TV or movies.. ate food, sexy things wink, and we went downtown once to get some Asian food which was realllly good.fork

It was a short stay but I loved every minute with him and wish I could go back to being with him.heartheartheart

But soon I will be with him! My horoscope says so… it says that although I have many dreams and wishes, there is one special wish and that it will come true if I put all my faith and hope and love into it.heart

Which I will, I’ll put everything I have into it!!upup I want to be with Danny no matter what and I will do anything to have that.happyheartheart

So after Danny left (which I was (and still am) really sad about.. ;___;), I came home to my family. Which was nice I missed them all so much happy and Char was fully recovered from his attack with the coyotes and he was so happy to see me! happy More so than everyone else haha. My mom doesn’t really like mine and Danny’s relationship..suspicious Idk why cause he’s the most amazing person on the planet earth. suspicious Anyways, so Christmassssss~ tree

I got some stuff.. Not a whole lot but you know we’re all on a budget (except me cause I spend money like crazy -__-)sweat But I was really grateful for everything my family got me!heartheart


I got this shirt for only $10.. I picked it out. It’s so cute and summery and I’m wearing it today happy even though it’s freezing cold..grr


Also got this aztec-y type hoodie which also reminded me of summer nights happy And a striped long sleeve and a cute ruffled tank top!


And I got a Vera Bradley purse in Poppy. I’ve wanted this style for a long time! And I got it on sale so it was pretty reasonable happyup And I got the matching lanyard and coin purse type thingy.



Also got the Britney Spears fantasy perfume, it’s really strong and fruity. But it smells really good when it’s settled in my skin happy


And my brother got me this Be Enchanted body spray from B&BW. It smells soooo good! happy (I’m pretty sure he had his wife help him out but that’s okay~sweat) He got me for his secret santa and when he first gave me my gift on christmas eve, it was sorta like a joke gift cause it was just a bunch of like useless funny things, ya know. SO he felt bad and got me another present..sweat I feel bad too though cause I wasn’t really nice about it when I opened it cause I was disappointed cause everyone got really cool stuff..sweat So I should have been a better sport! I still said thank you and smiled but I still feel bad..Oh and he also got me a candle that smells soo good.. It’s called Pink Sangria. It’s soooooooooooooo good! exclamationheart

I’m very grateful for my family and friends and Danny and my dog and everything I got this Christmas~


Pisces Jul 11 2011
Who loves you, Pisces? Someone you are at odds with may soon reach out to you. There has been a lot of tension and friction surrounding this relationship, so you  might still be feeling resentful or angry. But saying no to or ignoring a request to accept the olive branch could be a mistake. You and the other party aren’t the only people who will benefit from your reconciliation. Leave the past in the past and begin again. You are in the company of someone who cares for you, even though you have differences. Life is too short to turn that down.

Well now……………this seems pretty familiar.. o.o

In ways I still do feel angry… More upset I guess. I want things to be different in some aspects of the relationship.. but I guess I have to accept that not everything goes how I want.. It’s part of being in a relationship, you have to do what’s best for both people.

But even so, sometimes I feel like I’m doing more for him than he does for me. Should I just put that in the past too? Probably because it is just my feelings talking afterall.

I really wish some things would just disappear in the past, but it still haunts me everyday… I really just want to start fresh. I think I’ll have to wait another year though. :/

I would neverrrr turn him down though. I love him so so sooo much. I nearly died just thinking about ending it.. I can’t say that I necessarily deserve his love and caring though.

I love and appreciate everything he does for me. I understand his life has been difficult the past year, and so has mine.. I think we both tried our best to make ends meet and do the best for eachother. Sometimes I feel left out, but I need to get over it. I need to put it behind me… We aren’t the same as how we were two years ago. That’s also in the past.. Although I often wish it wasn’t. But, what can I do? Nothing. We can’t do anything about the distance either, I wish so much that I can just pack up and fly there forever and not have to look back, but it’s not that simple. So many difficulties always getting in the way…It sucks.

I just hope everything can work out how we both want it. I love you so much and I never want to be away from you, I’ll do all I can to make this work, I don’t care how much money or what people think .. I just want you, I want to be with you for the rest of my life and that’s all I can think of. Even if I’m upset with you, I still only think of how I want to be with you.

Thank you for putting up with my nonsense, bullshit, and tears. It means the world to me  that you still support and love me even though I sometimes don’t deserve it. I love you Danny, and always will.

heart heart heart

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Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is on a Monday… so, just went to class, not expecting anything.. but… i get a text asking if I got anything.. hehe whattt After my math class I checked my e-mail mail on my phone and saw I had a package so I literally ran to the package place and she handed me a vase full of red roses and balloons. pooh heart hearts I was so happy and I was shaking and everyone was looking at me as I walked back to my dorm and people were saying, aww! hehee ^_^ heart heart heart

Danny is the sweetest guy ever… heart heart I’m so lucky, I don’t even deserve someone so amazing as him! sweat heart

I was really touched by his thoughtfulness .. I honestly was not expecting anything! blush

He really made me happy today.. even though he isn’t here with me and even though we aren’t dating.. I still love him so much. love hearts

Love is an amazing thing you know? ^_^ hearts

rose So beautiful, don’t you think!? hearts

Red roses are the symbol of love and romance after all.. and red means deep emotion. hehe heart hehe

And the balloons! I love balloons so much. hehee. And he got me a happy birthday one too since my birthday is in 10 days! ^__^ I have them tied to the end of my bed now. heart

Happy Valentine’s Day!


I finished my valentine for that special someone… Danny. heart heart

I hope he likes it.. heart sweat

because I worked really hard on it. But I got tired towards the end so I made some mistakes, arrow arrow

so don’t get mad about it. hehe hehe hearts

imageI think it will get there tomorrow, I really hope so. cryy I want it to be there for valentine’s day.. heart

But if not, it will probably come the next day.

Hope you like it baby. Yay

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Got some pretty sweet clothes for my bby, Danny.

This B.A. shirt is from Sex Pot Revenge.

You know, just had it shipped in from Japan. No big deal.

Just bought him a little hoodie with a purple shirt underneath.


Not cause Justin Bieber wears stuff like this. hahahaha.

But really.. He needed a hoodie.

The evidence-



Channel 95.5 gave out FREE Justin Bieber tickets.

Of course, I got some!

I went to the concert. ❤ Amazing.

Justin is really great Live.


Too bad we had really crappy seats. ]: That was a bit depressinggg..

Lol. That blur on the stage is Justin. hahaha.

The evidence-
