Category Archives: Photoblog


and the sound of people talking and kids screaming.

I was really excited to go to this fair thing that was going on and I thought it was going to be sweet but it turned out to be lame and too crowded and super overpriced!

So we went cause I wanted to see the lights and Danny said there was rides and stuff and I was like yayyy.. but then we got there and it was so crowded and to ride rides it was $20 each for unlimited and like $4 for like one ride..each. Like ridiculously expensive and I didn’t really want to ride any after that plus the lines were so long.

So we just like walked around and looked at the (not so impressive) lights.

It was still fun laughing about it with Danny, but we will not be going to that again! haha.

Here are some pictures though!


Tree of many lights!

IMG_0886Danny and I! Lighting is always so bad but I hate flash!!


There were live bands playing.

IMG_0889There was a camel there lol. He was cute!

It’s beginning… feel a lot like Christmas~

After Halloween all I can think about is Christmas.. like skip Thanksgiving, it’s all about Christmas!!

I’ve been getting into the spirit by listening to my favorite Christmas radio station back home! I love being able to listen online.. I personally like my hometown radio station better than the Pandora one.

And I also got some candles!

And I also bought a mini Christmas tree from Walmart and I loooove it!! It’s soo cute omg omg. I’ve never had my own little Christmas tree even though I’ve wanted one lol. Back home I usually don’t do much Christmas decorating for my room since it’s all around my house.. but here I only have my room so I have to get into the spirit!

I decorated it all cute with $1 ornaments, $1 tinsel, and $1,50 bow! Eee I’m obsessed with it!! It makes me so happy to look at.

I also put up some lights along my bedroom walls.. I’m keeping them up all year!

I cannot wait to go home for Christmas!! I definitely need a break from school and I miss my family so much! I just want to spend a bunch of time with the familyyy. And Char!! I miss him so much.

And it will be nice to have snow for a month hehe.

And I love wrapping presents and making ornaments and decorating the tree (unless it’s already up) and buying gifts and going to look at the lights and going to Christmas church service and eating Christmas dinner. lol.

So anyways, I am so excited!!!!!!!

Danny doesn’t understand my excitement!! How can someone not be so excited for Christmas??? haha. I guess it’s different for me since I’m going to be going home like… idk.. maybe not. I think maybe I’m just crazy! I love Christmas time!


Hiking again~

We went to the same trail, but decided to find other pathes to go down.

You never know what you are going to find while hiking!

Danny and I found this like….sewer thing? Not sure what it is but it seemed interesting. And apparently the Wild Things live here. And on a side note, I finally watched that movie… and I have to say I kinda didn’t like it. It was cute and I did like it… but it seemed just like.. I guess I just don’t understand the hype on the movie? Like people saying it’s the greatest movie and getting tattoos about it and stuff.. it wasn’t that great. Maybe it’s just me though.

We sat on top of this huge rock pile thing and it was scary as hell. haha. I couldn’t scoot all the way to the edge.

But I just got these boots, and I’m loving them!! They’re super comfy and cute! I want a pair of black combat boots and a pair of brown riding boots too.


I love to be outside!

It may be surprising because I am such a hermit crab and I hide inside most of the day…. but that’s only cause I don’t know where to go or anyone to go with.. );

But Danny showed me this really nice hiking trail! And so we did some exploring~~

It was so bright hehe.

I’ve ever seen a cactus before!!

It was a lot of fun! We will definitely be doing this every week! Or maybe just more often. (:


So that $100 3DS I said I was thinking of getting.. I went through with and bought it!happy So I got these 5 games and the DS for $100??? Umm… that’s too good of a deal. It’s crazy.exclamation And it’s pretty much new.. no scratches or nothin’.

I haven’t really played anything yet.. I played Mario for like 10 minutes. But I’m still obsessed with Temple Run so I just wanna play that!haha

But here’s the problem… it’s red!what ugh And I hateeee red! Soooo I’m going to deco it up!sparkle

So here’s what I’m thinking.idea I glued down the sparklessparkles around the edge but yeah I’m not really completely sure. I just hope it comes out looking cute.hearts Cause the red is so bleh. Will update once it’s completed!hearts


Since summer is coming around quickly, I figured I needed some summer clothes, you know? winky

I think my outfit was cute and I’ve been obsessed with this belt that I got from Daily Look happy exclamation
So my momheart was kind enough to give me $40 of Kohls cash so I went there first~


I picked out this dress, that normally I wouldn’t go for cause I didn’t think it was my style.. and it wasn’t really, but it still looked really cute on and it was super pretty! happy And I liked it most cause it has a shorter front and lower backexclamation


I also got the shorts in the below pic.. I needed a pair of lighter wash shorts and these ones were cute and fit well except there’s this ugly logo on the back by the belt loops.. but I figured my shirt or belt would cover it up most of the times! hehe


Okay and then I went to Forever 21 and I always feel disappointed when I go there cause I never find anything good and I feel like everyone else gets really cool stuff there mmamsfkhj

But I got two tank tops and a black skirt.. and Also some bracelets and a necklace but I didn’t feel like taking those pics haha

And idk why I put my DailyLook belt in with that stuff.. but … .oh well. haha. But yeah I got the belt and it was like under $20 I think.. and it’s really cuteomgg

And when I saw this shirt I just had to have it because it’s sooo me and I loved it so much and so.. yes, I did get it and and and I love it so much omggsad nod


I’m also obsessed with these Victoria secret T-shirts..heartheart They’re so comfy and cute and I have 7 now!hehe These are the recent ones I bought.. I love the dark gray one and the pink one is something I don’t really wear anymore but it still looks cute and I loved the color, so I just bought it..hehe And they’re actually pretty cheap.. It’s 2 for $28 so $14 for a super comfy and good quality shirt is a great deal in my eyesexclamation


Today was Mother’s Day!heart And to celebrate my mother for all she does, I made her an adorable gift and an adorable card and bought her this adorable blue tumbler since she’s always driving around and our one car doesn’t have air conditioning so I figured an ice cold drink throughout the day would be perfect.hehe

So, I made these candles… Cause I saw them on Martha Stewart.. ahaha.. sweat And I have three big bags of shells just laying around that me and my mom have collected from Florida over the year. So I thought it was perfect cause it’s something we found together made into a gift so it’s a little bit more special. happyheart

And then I made dinner! I made these H.A.T sammiches. It had ham, asparagus, tomato, spinach and cheese! It was sooo good!heart Very filling too~ happy

Then I made potato salad, but I didn’t cook the potatoes all the way through so they were a little hard. sweat

And last I made these spinach chips and used a bunch of spices and I think I might have made them too spicy actually sweat but my mom and dad both loved them…they loved everything actually! So I was happy about that.


And for dessert, I went out and bought Coldstone ice cream cookie sandwiches. ice cream I had the cake batter one with sprinkles. Oh myyy.. It was so delicious!hehe But it was really big and I was getting sick by the end of it sweat


So the day was good!exclamation My mom was happy, so I was happy too!happy Even though I feel like my mom has been unfair about the whole Texas State thing, she has done a lot for me so I needed to pay her back with what I can. So thank you mom, for all you’ve done for me my whole life and please keep supporting me with everything I do in life.heart

I love you!heartheart

Penn State

Over the weekend, my family and I went to Penn State for my sister’s graduation! happy I was pretty excited cause I haven’t been there in a long time.. Also haven’t been anywhere special in a long time so it was a lot of fun!happyup

The bad part was the amount of driving that we had to do! arrow 7 hours there and then we had a hotel 45 outside of Penn State so driving there everyday was a bit annoying.arrowarrow We got there on Friday to the bed and breakfast and then went to pick my sister up to go eat. . And we were all craving a Philly Cheesesteak.. hehe so that’s what we got and it was sooo delicious!! Ahhh I want another one..swirl

We went to a place called Bradley’s in state college!


The next day, we went to Penn State early in the morning cause it was her graduation day and we wanted to go to this breakfast thing with her at 10.. And then we had like 4 hours to kill until the graduation actually started, so she took us to this flowerArboretumflower and it was very pretty and calming.hehe




My sissy and I at the Arboretum!heart We both look pretty I think.heheheart The water background is really nice!

And this was a really awesome building that had this big opening like a sun roof and it was just really pretty!exclamation


And this was the bed and breakfast we stayed in!happy It was a Victorian Mansion and the rooms were really cute and fancy looking. I enjoyed my stay there..happy It was kinda weird that we ate breakfast with the other guests there though cause.. I’m not very into small talking with adults,suspicious especially in the morning when I don’t want to talk to anyone. haha.arrow


And there was a bunch of Victorian style houses so I took so pictures of them! Here’s just one of them I liked.hehe


This was the town, it was pretty small town.


I thought this was really nice. The town put up these banners of soldiers who served from the town on the lamp posts and they were everywhere and I thought it was really nice happyheart


The last stop on the trip was to The Creamery to get some delicious ice cream!upup It’s some of the best ice cream I’d cream I got the mint chocolate chip. And my mom got the peach paterno and I tried that one and it was really good too ! happy


The mountains there are beautiful too! happy I snapped this when we were driving back.


Happy birthday to me!

Today I turn 20!!happy It’s not very exciting and honestly I kept forgetting until today when I got texts in the morning saying happy birthday! haha.sweat I’m not doing anything special for my birthday so that’s probably why I’m not very excited but… whatever.sweat I’m not  a teen anymore, but I still feel young.sweat

Anyways, I went to my finance class today and took my exam! I feel that I did very well on it and think I got an A… happybut hopefully at least a B!!

And then I got a Chai Tea Latte from Starbucks just to treat myself for having a bunch of exams happy

When I got home I went out to eat with my friend and we ate burritos and then came home and had two packages!happyup I was so excited because I love opening packages.happy

The first one was from Forever 21 and they were having a sale so I bought some things..suspicious

And the second one was from Danny.happy I was not expecting this one at all!happy I didn’t know he was sending me anything.. well he said he was but he hasn’t gotten one thing he wanted to get me so I didn’t think I would get anything today, so it was a surprise and I was so happy!heart



He got me this adorable incense holder thing and it’s so cute!happy It has a little mushroom! heartAnd the incense smell so good and I can’t wait to burn them!heart And I think it will look so cute by a window!

And then….


He got me a mouse.. a gaming mouseexclamation wahhhhh.. it’s so coolexclamation haha. It lights up blue and it’s just so cool! I have been playing games with just my trackpad.. and i’ve been doing good haha but it’s hard to play a lot of the characters in TF2 and aim well when I don’t have a mouse..haha So I’m very excited to use this and it’s so beautiful~up

And here are the clothes I got…


I thought I would like everything I got more than I do..arrow I’m only in love with two of the things I got…The scarf and the shirt all the way at the bottom. It’s really pretty!heart But I got a skirt and these ruffly shorts and I just don’t really like them.. I’m not sure. I think I might be returning the ruffly shorts and I’m returning this white shirt that I got and just don’t like.arrowarrow


And I got this cute bracelet and this cute whistle necklace!heart

So, my birthday is going good. I like getting presents of course!happy Danny’s gift was so thoughtful and nice. So thank you so much!heartheartheart

Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!! heartheart A day late~~..sweat

I spent a lot of my Valentine’s day with Danny…heart and even though we weren’t together it was a lot of fun and I loved being with him.happyheart

It was a Tuesday, so I went to class like usual and it was kinda meh. But after my classes, Danny surprised me with flowers!flower They arrived at my door while we were on Skype and it was so exciting!heartheart I couldn’t believe he sent me flowers this year! I told him the budget was $15 !! -.-


But regardless, I was very happy.happy It was very sweet of him and he got a beautiful bouquet for me!heart I think I like it better than all roses, actually. It’s so pretty. happyI love smelling it because it smells so delicious! I love the smell of flowers. heartheart

So I went a bit crazy taking pictures but they were so beautiful and I couldn’t stop! hehe.heart






Came with cute balloons~


That big pink flower is so beautiful! happy

And we skyped for three hours. I just love seeing his face.. happyespecially when he read my card that I sent him. happyHe was so happy and I wanted to cry too but I was too happy and I didn’t have any happy tears to shed. hearthehe.heart But it made me happy to make him happy and I’m sure he felt the same.heartheartheart

I still have a gift to send him but stupid things happened suspicious and so I’m still waiting for his gift to come in the mail!!

Soon, though. I know he’ll love it.upuphappy