Category Archives: School


I just don’t get along with roommates I guess. It’s not like I ever do anything like bitchy or rude to them, but they just end up not liking me!!

I’m always quiet because I just hang out in my room and do nothing and I’m respectful of their stuff and I share my stuff… so like.. why am I always made out to be the problem?

When I get back to my apartment I just want to be alone.. like I don’t want to talk to anyone I just want to chill out. And I don’t know if that seems bitchy, but it’s just how I am..

The past two years I’ve had awful roommates and not because I did anything.. my freshman roommate was just a bitch who I actually tried to talk to and she just like mumbled angrily at me anytime I tried.. and soooo many other annoying things she did. My sophomore roommates were annoying.. like I roomed with Janae and that was fine, sometimes she pissed me off but all in all she was the best roommate I had. But the other two girls were so annoying.. I made friends with them at first and we hung out at the apartment and it was fine, but like I didn’t always want to hang out.. I wanted to do my own thing and they were always calling me over and I’m like ‘wellll I’m going to go do homework…’ but the same shit happened everyday and then when Janae got a cat and we all hated it at first we all like became closer but then they were like talking about moving to another apartment without Janae and I was like maybe… we were still good friends.. and so it was annoying and then when I started to like the cat they just started hating me for no reason and were like, you never want to hang out with us anymoreeee, you’re always with Janaeeeee… well wtf we live in the same damn room. -____-

And now this year, I was so happy I got a nice roommate and she was polite and nice and I thought we would get along.. I could tell we had nothing in common, but we could at least be civil. Let’s be honest, I didn’t go into this apartment wanting a friendship.. just a civil roommate. And it was fine, but now it seems like I’m the bad roommate because..well here’s what happened:

At the beginning of the year I got all my keys and my mail key and stuff before her because I got here first. .And then when she got here she asked me if I had a mail key.. and I was like yeah and I gave her mine because I figured she already like got all her keys and we were suppose to share the mail key because I don’t know why else she would ask?.. but turns out she didn’t get a mail key because she said I already gave her one.. which makes no sense.. why would she tell them that even though they were telling her to take her mail key. wtf. So when I found that out I just kept my key because I’m like this is mine and I’m not going to pay for the key because I don’t feel like this is really my fault.. I misunderstood what she was saying but she should have taken the key when they said she should! So anyways, she keeps texting me to check the mail.. and so I do. And then today she texts me asking to get the mail, but this time she adds, ‘I can’t because I don’t have a key.’ And it just seemed like she was blaming me for it because why else would she add it.. I already know she doesn’t… so okay wtf.

And then I checked my email today and get a message from this girl saying:

Hi, I need to know what you already have at the apartment and what I need to bring. My cell phone number is xxaxsafkd

Thanks, fdgdfb

Nice to meet you too.

Also, didn’t know my roommate was moving out.. and not that I care and it may not be because of me. But this new girl sounds so annoying, who says hello like that??fuck you. you can’t use my stuff. lol. But it just pisses me off.. and it was rude.

And so I check my facebook because i was like oh this was the girl who friend requested me and so I look at her stuff and she’s a freshman blehhhhaiefhaeudigryhefakugrkj and I also am like.. hmm.. i wonder if my roommate now removed me. oh guess what, she did. WHY ARE PEOPLE SO IMMATURE?LNJSRHKUG we may not be friends but like removing me from FB come on! that’s so high school.. and i feel like why else would she do it unless she’s like talking shit about me on her FB…..because that’s what my freshman rommate did.. -____-

I just hate everyone.. this is why i have no friends and why i don’t care that i have no friends because i hate everyone and everyone hates me for no reason.. unless i just don’t understand what i’m doing that’s so awful.. but i don’t see that being the problem?.. idk I’m just a loner and hate people that’s the real problem I guess whatever I hope my kewl freshie roommate is never home and i don’t ever have to talk to her because she sounds like a bitch and i don’t like her already and i’m angry and just want to go home for Christmas already.

Moving In!





I had no idea what my apartment was going to look like because I didn’t get to see it before, but I love it! It’s really nice and big. I have one roommate that hasn’t gotten here yet. I am nervous to have a roommate because I have had the worst ones the last two years.. ugh.

I think I’m a problem too because I am not very social… I don’t like talking to people much when I’m home from school.. like I just want to be alone haha. I’m suchhh a loner. But I really did try to make friends the past two years and it kinda just blew up in my face. ;(

Anyways, here’s the kitchen. It has a dishwasher!!

And here’s like my room with nothing in it.. so plain and boring. I can’t wait to decorate it!!

And each bedroom has it’s own bathroom and a nice walk-in closet. 

I am really happy to live here! The room makes me feel happy. The only problem is that I’m right next to train tracks.. like literally 40 feet away…the first night I kept waking up every time a train would blow it’s stupid horn.

Danny says that you get use to it.


(got a better picture of the city! hehe )

So the very next day I had to go see a counselor so that I could register for classes which was very inconvenient because school didn’t even start for another like 3 weeks and I had to make one before August 9 or else I couldn’t register for classes. bleh. lol. Anyways so the school is 3 hours from Danny’s house and well.. my appointment was at like 1 so we had to get up early and I was already exhausted from the day before so that kinda sucked, but the school is soooo pretty! I love it and it has a really beautiful river that Danny said everyone goes swimming in… though I was still skeptical because they have water moccasins… >>

So after my appointment we drove all the way back to Houston and then his friends wanted to like have a party and so we had to go to that and I didn’t really want to because I was so tired but we did and it was good.

His friends are nice and funny.. but like this one girl burned me with her cigarette……………………

This is why I hate them. NOTHING good comes out of them lol.

But seriously, it hurt so bad and left a blister on my leg. I’m still kinda pissed. Not to mention with all the people smoking in the garage where we were.. I probably got so much secondhand smoke. Not cool.

We are going back to school on the 10th because Danny is moving into his apartment, so I will be living with him until I get my own place on like the 18? ..

Siked! ☆

About a week ago, I finally got the answer I’ve been waiting for… the go ahead for Texas.

Unfortunately it wasn’t how I wanted it. My mom was pissed at me and everyone in my family keeps saying that I shouldn’t go cause they’ll miss me.

Well, shit guys. I’ll miss my family tons! But I will never go anywhere in life if I didn’t go and do my own thing… Personally I think this is the best option for me. I feel that I will be much happier. All I want after all this shit that’s happened in my hometown.. I want a change, I want to start somewhere new and meet new people who don’t know other stuff about me.

I’m so excited for this experience.

Maybe it’s not the best school in the world, so what? I wasn’t going to the best school before anyways!

And I looked up rankings and such and it’s about the same as the school I went to.

I’m just saying.. I really needed this change in my life! I was not happy with where I was at and I see a lot of good opportunities for me in Texas. I really cannot wait and I know no one else is excited (besides Danny) but they will realize that it’s the best thing for me.

I leave August 6.. but school doesn’t start till around the 26th? I think. So I’ll be in Houston for a week and then I can move in to my apartment on like the 18th. I’m soooo excited!! And the apartment I’m living in is sweet. It comes furnished, but like it’s not that amazing furniture but still.. and i know how i am going to decorate it! And they have a swimming pool!! omg. Nothing here ever has swimming pools cause like its too cold all the time. So that’s awesome.. and they have a fitness room and washers and dryers in every room and I’m just so siked about it! I’ll probably spend nights at Danny’s apartment too.. but I am really happy to have my own place to sleep at night and stuff. I do like to have my alone time. haha.

Anyways, I will update once I get there! I cannot believe it! Sooo excited. It doesn’t even feel real yet.


Coordinate! ^_~

So I was on UO site and I saw this really beautiful dress I had to have.. And so I bought it!hehe But it’s more of a summer dress, so I bought this little sweater too!heart2 And it’s little.. I waited too long to buy it so they only had an X-Small left… and I wanted it so bad I just bought it anyways.. cryy so it fits, but is a bit short.. cryy

Anyways it’s cute though! heart2 It is actually see thru lace, and I wore a cami underneath… Looks like my pants are falling off!sweatsweat



And I painted my nails.. I love doing a “special” nail and I just bought this silver sparklesparkle polish and had to use it!happy So pretty!sparkle


So far this semester is awful.swirl

It just started on Monday and I’m already hating it. arrowarrowarrowI have 16 credits.. I’m not taking very hard classes but I am doing very demanding courses..suspicious And to top that off I got sick on Wednesday and was throwing uparrow so I missed three classes.. I hate missing classes. HATE. I feel like I missed so much. And so for this weekend, I have a whole presentation to do for my finance class.. I’m presenting with my partner on Monday. Also a few Japanese worksheets, and I have to study the kanji that we learned and I don’t know it at all.. also read a few chapters for multiple classes, and also write a Japanese essay by Thursday. fml. -___- arrowarrowarrow

And to make life even better, we got a new roommate. I was sooo hoping I could move into my own room, but nope this girl decides to move in.grrrrr I don’t even want to talk to her cause I’m sorta anti-social and mad cause she took my room and cause I just don’t wanna deal with another roommate..grrrrr I don’t trust people -__- She hasn’t really talked to either of us. She hasn’t been here much so I guess that’s good.. but why’d she have to take my room.. ? -_-

And I’m on hold for 51 minutes.. seriously.. Oh and I guess I should just put in that on top of all the shit i have to do for school, i have to apply to another college. huegaljfugoaejfhehlf. grrrrr

Guess I should have just done that over break though.. but it’s break and I didn’t want to do anything! But now it’s harder for me.. Wish I had someone to help meeee… >:|

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So fuck staying home next year.

My room just got changed and I no longer have the shitty roommates that I had before..

Those damn girls I was roomed with were on the same floor as me last year and they were first of all really annoying, and second they were rude. And these the two girls kept messaging me to get out of their room pretty much. They didn’t say that but pretty much..

Here’s one:

Hey Lauren! One of my friends, Sarah, was matched as a roommate by Morgan and I. For some reason the system didn’t recognize the match. The school put Erica in her spot. U are the only girl who has the potential to room with another friend and we really want my friend to room with us next year.

Umm.. okay, so.. I told her like a month earlier that I called housing and they said they weren’t even changing rooms till later in the summer. I can’t fucking change the room myself. Like, what did you expect me to do.. -___-

And I told her friend Morgan that too. . because she messaged me and asked why I was roomed with them because apparently I didn’t want to room with them… which i never said. I said I put in a room change. But whatever, these bitches are dumb. And so she pretty much told me to change rooms too and like.. I had to tell them three damn times that housing wasn’t changing rooms right now.. -_________-

 But I’m switched and my roommates seem so MUCH BETTER. haha.

I’m with one of my friends… which I’m kinda nervous about because she’s kinda… weird and doesn’t really think before she says something… haha. And so hopefully she doesn’t scare off our roommates. xP

But yeah.. we’ll see, we’ll see.

OK and also because maybe I can still get a job at school and because I’m going to have to get a car no matter what when I move to Texas and because I don’t want to live at home anymore.. xD I love love love my parents but too much time with them kinda makes me crazzyyy!

SO, needless to say I am going back to GVSU !!


..I really am considering just staying home next year.


I need a car and hopefully with saved money my parents will buy me one… I want to work more at my job to earn more moneyyy, and I have no determined major yet so it doesn’t really make any difference if I go to school there or here.

Not to mention, I barely made any friends my first year cause they are all rude, I swear. So it’s not like I’m really missing a ton of friends if I don’t go back.

The only problems are..

Well my one friend I’m suppose to be rooming with will be pisssssed at me. And I don’t know if it’s too late to apply to a school here and I don’t know if I can get my money back that I already paid for the housing next year.Also, Danny mentioned wanting to visit me a bunch next year, but you know i won’t have a car to pick him up from the airport…so….

I think tomorrrow I will call places and ask and then maybe talk  to my mom about it.. If she ain’t buying me a car with the saved money, i might as well go cause that’s really what I’m aimin for here. haha

But extra money would be amazing cause when I move.. I’ll need that money a lot more for rent and school stuff there and food. You know.

Sigh arrowarrow I just don’t know what to do.


End of the Year!

I am so glad the year is finally over. heart

It’s went by so fast… but that’s good! Because this year pretty much sucked. arrow arrow

I came in to college, having the mindset that I would make 3987259 friends, but here at GVSU, there was just a bunch of bitches and douches. grr

Well, yeah. So pretty much didn’t make a bunch of friends and my roommate absolutely sucked ass. She was a complete bitch and hated me for no reason… So… pretty much a bad year all together on the friend and rooming side. angry angryangry

But the friends I do have are amazing and I really will miss them over the summer! heart

I’m going to visit Janae a bunch I hope! We are da bestest friends here, lol. We did so much together like everyday and it’s so weird not having her here. sad nod

She left yesterday because her exams ended early so….yep. But I’m still here, going to leave in about an hour and cannot wait to get out of here. omgg I’m sick and tired and hungry and i miss the comforts of being home… sleepy

I miss being able to drive places that aren’t 3856 hours away.

I soooo missed that! So I’m excited. sparkles

Goodbye GVSU, I will see you again next year! stitch wave

It will be a better year, i know it will.