Category Archives: Vacation

Penn State

Over the weekend, my family and I went to Penn State for my sister’s graduation! happy I was pretty excited cause I haven’t been there in a long time.. Also haven’t been anywhere special in a long time so it was a lot of fun!happyup

The bad part was the amount of driving that we had to do! arrow 7 hours there and then we had a hotel 45 outside of Penn State so driving there everyday was a bit annoying.arrowarrow We got there on Friday to the bed and breakfast and then went to pick my sister up to go eat. . And we were all craving a Philly Cheesesteak.. hehe so that’s what we got and it was sooo delicious!! Ahhh I want another one..swirl

We went to a place called Bradley’s in state college!


The next day, we went to Penn State early in the morning cause it was her graduation day and we wanted to go to this breakfast thing with her at 10.. And then we had like 4 hours to kill until the graduation actually started, so she took us to this flowerArboretumflower and it was very pretty and calming.hehe




My sissy and I at the Arboretum!heart We both look pretty I think.heheheart The water background is really nice!

And this was a really awesome building that had this big opening like a sun roof and it was just really pretty!exclamation


And this was the bed and breakfast we stayed in!happy It was a Victorian Mansion and the rooms were really cute and fancy looking. I enjoyed my stay there..happy It was kinda weird that we ate breakfast with the other guests there though cause.. I’m not very into small talking with adults,suspicious especially in the morning when I don’t want to talk to anyone. haha.arrow


And there was a bunch of Victorian style houses so I took so pictures of them! Here’s just one of them I liked.hehe


This was the town, it was pretty small town.


I thought this was really nice. The town put up these banners of soldiers who served from the town on the lamp posts and they were everywhere and I thought it was really nice happyheart


The last stop on the trip was to The Creamery to get some delicious ice cream!upup It’s some of the best ice cream I’d cream I got the mint chocolate chip. And my mom got the peach paterno and I tried that one and it was really good too ! happy


The mountains there are beautiful too! happy I snapped this when we were driving back.


The Simpsons

Another great ride at Universal!

This ride was fun and hilarious! I loved it.


And another highlight,

I got to meet SPONGEBOB!

I’ve only been watching his show since it came out! no big deal! :p

And I got eaten by a shark. also, no big deal.

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Universal Studios

Last year, we went to Universal for the day also!

But this year, we went to the other park.

It had the most fun roller coaster in the world! No joke.

Look at that roller coaster. That’s legit.


It was sweet cause you picked what music you wanted (with limited selections). But they had Daft Punk so I listened to the both times I went on it.

Pretty freakin’ amazing.

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Possibly one of the coolest islands ever. Two islands connected by a strip of sand. Sweeet!


Found lots of neat things on that island.

I liked walking through this. haha

Jumping rope or hanging rope? I sure hope it’s for jumping!

Looking for sea shells, of course!

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The water was too chilly to go in, but I had fun just dipping my feet in and out.

It’s the best feeling when you sink your feet into the sand and the water flows back into the ocean.

Hopefully that makes sense, everyone does it. I just can’t describe it. haha

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I absolutely love the ocean.

The sound of the waves make me so relaxed.

This year, I decided to be stupid however and didn’t put on any sunscreen.

I was badly burnt.


Oh well, lesson learned. Always wear sunscreen.(;

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Penn State!

Over the long weekend, I went to visit my sister and her boyfriend up at Penn State.

It was quite a blast.. they threw some partiessss.. we ate good foooood.. .went shoppinggg…


The mountains are pretty! I took these from the car.

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Not that I would ever get in to this school..


Not that smart. ( x _ x );

But Jen & I went to visit one of our CC buddies up there. :]

We called ourselves ‘The Three Michkateers’.

I came up with the name. ahahah. :]

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10316_148050173053_756198053_3451002_7396557_nWhile at Michigan’s Adventure, Jenny and I met this guy. 


His name was Brad Dowdy. 

He was awkward, but we liked him.

Too bad he sucks at life.


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Cedar Point!

100_5381Best theme park ever!

Besides Disney World.. because everyone knows that is the best park ever!(^ ω ^) 

But this park comes in a close second. 

I drove myself and Danny to Ohio a couple days ago and went here. 

Roller coasters are pretty awesome. (° ∀ °)

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