Body Works Exhibit

(I did not take this picture.)

We went to the Body Works Exhibit in Toronto today.

Let me tell you, it was the worst expierence of my life.

Starting off, I had to get up at 4am to get ready to get to the bus at 5:15. But when I get there, we all load the bus except one person is missing.. kcool. So, we wait 45 minutes for her to get to the bus. It takes us 6 hours to get there.. and we’re on a bus so it really sucks.

Then we get there and the food is like 10x more expensive than it is in the states.. so.. paid so much for a piece of pizza and a drink with no refills. cool.

The 3 other people I was with got lost pretty much cause we couldn’t figure out where to go since our teacher didn’t plan anything at all… soo.. we were lost for like 30 minutes and then finally found a teacher to lead us back. And then we enter the exhibit.. which was stupid cause we couldn’t even take pictures.. and like the video we watched on it had so much more displays than the actual thing, so that was annoying.

We get out like an hour and a half before our teacher does, so once again we don’t know what to do so we walk around for a long time not knowing where to go..

And then we finally board the bus again around 3pm.

It takes us 7 hours to get back. Our estimated arrival time was 7-8pm. We got back at 11pm. KCOOL. At least the bus ride back was a lot more fun.. sitting on the back of the bus with all the cool people ftw. ahhaa.

I’m sure some people enjoyed it, but I’m pretty sure the majority of the people who went on this particular field trip hated it.

The evidence-


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